Lucy is my 85 lb bloodhound. We got her to be my guard dog while my husband was out of town for training for 6 weeks, but we quickly learned Lucy is not intimidating in any way, shape or form, unless you count slobber.
I have found slobber everywhere. On the walls, ceiling, TV, books, and most recently connecting a chair to the dining room table. I have learned to love Chlorox wipes.
She also follows her bloodhound nose to things that smell good and has eaten an array of items around our apartment (including peppermint lotion, 5 lbs of frozen chicken and a Duraflame log) and is miraculously still alive.
But mostly, Lucy sleeps. She often commandeers 2/3 of the couch, leaving the rest of it for Matt and I to squeeze on to. She also enjoys sleeping in doorways, hallways, and just outside the kitchen while I'm cooking. It's incredibly helpful.
I love how every picture of Lucy so far shows here sleeping. Maybe she dreams of being a fierce guard dog. :)